Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Wisdom of the Ancients: The Ten Royal Virtues of Dasa-Raja-Dhamma


Wisdom of the Ancients: The Ten Royal Virtues of Dasa-Raja-Dhamma

Uncovering the Secrets of Dasa-Raja-Dhamma: The Buddhist Approach to Governance

Wisdom of the Ancients: The Ten Royal Virtues of Dasa-Raja-Dhamma is a unique exploration of the ancient Sri Lankan concept of ethical leadership and governance. The book presents the Ten Royal Virtues of Dasa-Raja-Dhamma, a set of principles that guided the ancient Sri Lankan rulers in their pursuit of social welfare, justice, and harmony.
Through engaging anecdotes, historical insights, and contemporary examples, the author highlights the relevance of these virtues in modern leadership and governance. From the non-opposition principle of Avirodha to the non-violence principle of Avihimsa, the Ten Royal Virtues offer valuable insights into ethical leadership, compassionate governance, and social responsibility.

Drawing on ancient wisdom and contemporary insights, Wisdom of the Ancients offers a fresh perspective on the role of leadership in creating a better world. Whether you are a business leader, politician, educator, or citizen, this book offers valuable insights into ethical leadership, social responsibility, and personal well-being.

Written in an accessible and engaging style, Wisdom of the Ancients is a must-read for anyone interested in ancient wisdom, ethical leadership, and compassionate governance. Whether you are a seasoned leader or a curious reader, this book will inspire you to cultivate the Ten Royal Virtues in your personal and professional life, and make a positive impact in the world.

Wisdom of the Ancients

In conclusion, Wisdom of the Ancients: The Ten Royal Virtues of Dasa-Raja-Dhamma Book for who wants to explore the world. So go ahead, pick up a copy, and start coloring your way to Wisdom of the Ancients!

You can purchase the book on Amazon using this links:

I hope you enjoy reading the book as much as I enjoyed writing it, and if you do, please consider leaving a review or rating on Amazon. Thank you for your support!

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Roaring Serenity: A Lion Mandala Coloring Book for Adults: Discover Inner Peace Through Coloring (Mandala Coloring Books)


Stress Relief with Relaxation

Roaring Serenity: A Lion Mandala Coloring Book for Adults is a beautifully crafted coloring book that offers 40 intricate lion mandalas for stress relief and relaxation. This book is perfect for anyone who enjoys coloring and wants to discover inner peace through this therapeutic practice.

Coloring has been found to be an effective way to reduce stress and anxiety while promoting relaxation and mindfulness. It allows you to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of daily life and focus on the present moment, creating a sense of calm and serenity.

Roaring Serenity features 40 unique mandalas that incorporate the majestic lion in various poses and designs. Each mandala is intricately drawn with fine details and patterns, making it a delight to color. The book is designed to accommodate a wide range of skill levels, from beginner to advanced, and offers a challenging and rewarding experience for all.

As you color your way through the pages of Roaring Serenity, you will notice your mind and body relax, and your stress levels decrease. You will find yourself becoming more mindful of the present moment, allowing you to let go of worries and concerns and focus on the task at hand.

In addition to its therapeutic benefits, Roaring Serenity is also a beautiful work of art that can be used as a decorative item in your home or office. You can display your finished mandalas on the wall, frame them, or even give them as gifts to family and friends.

In conclusion, Roaring Serenity: A Lion Mandala Coloring Book for Adults is a wonderful tool for anyone seeking to reduce stress, promote relaxation, and discover inner peace. Its intricate designs, beautiful illustrations, and therapeutic benefits make it a must-have for anyone who loves coloring or wants to explore the world of mandalas. So go ahead, pick up a copy, and start coloring your way to serenity!

You can purchase the book on Amazon using this links:

I hope you enjoy reading the book as much as I enjoyed writing it, and if you do, please consider leaving a review or rating on Amazon. Thank you for your support!

Forest Wildlife Coloring Book, Stress Relief with Relaxation

 Forest Wildlife Coloring Book: Explore the Beauty and Diversity of Forest Ecosystems Through Coloring is an adult coloring book that features beautiful illustrations of wildlife and forest scenery. This book is perfect for anyone who loves nature and wants to experience the therapeutic benefits of coloring.

The Forest Wildlife Coloring Book offers a unique and interactive way to learn about forest ecosystems and the animals that call them home. Each page features intricate designs of various forest animals such as deer, bears, owls, and foxes, as well as trees, flowers, and other elements of the forest.

Coloring has been found to be an effective way to reduce stress and anxiety while promoting relaxation and mindfulness. It allows you to disconnect from the chaos of daily life and focus on the present moment, creating a sense of calm and tranquility.

The Forest Wildlife Coloring Book is designed to accommodate a wide range of skill levels, from beginner to advanced, and offers a challenging and rewarding experience for all. Whether you're looking to unwind after a long day or simply want to explore your creativity, this book is perfect for you.

In addition to its therapeutic benefits, the Forest Wildlife Coloring Book is also a beautiful work of art that can be used as a decorative item in your home or office. You can display your finished pages on the wall, frame them, or even give them as gifts to family and friends.

Overall, Forest Wildlife Coloring Book is a great way to explore the beauty and diversity of forest ecosystems while promoting relaxation and mindfulness. Its intricate designs, beautiful illustrations, and therapeutic benefits make it a must-have for anyone who loves nature or wants to experience the joy of coloring. So go ahead, pick up a copy, and start coloring your way to relaxation and serenity!

You can purchase the book on Amazon using this links:

I hope you enjoy reading the book as much as I enjoyed writing it, and if you do, please consider leaving a review or rating on Amazon. Thank you for your support!

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Getting Started with PHP 8: A Beginner's Guide to Building Dynamic Websites Book

  If you're new to PHP, or looking to brush up on your skills, "Getting Started with PHP 8" is the perfect place to start. This beginner's guide to building dynamic websites will take you step-by-step through the basics of PHP and provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to start building your own web applications.

The book covers a wide range of topics, including:

  • Setting up your development environment: You will learn how to install and configure PHP on your computer, and how to use popular tools such as XAMPP and WAMP.

  • PHP Basics: The book covers the fundamentals of PHP, including syntax, data
    types, variables, and functions. You will also learn how to work with arrays, loops, and conditional statements.
  • Working with Forms and Databases: You will learn how to build web forms and submit data to a PHP script, as well as how to connect to a MySQL database and perform basic CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations.
  • Object-Oriented PHP: The book covers object-oriented programming concepts and how to use them in PHP. You will learn how to create classes and objects, and how to work with inheritance and interfaces.
  • Advanced Topics: The book covers advanced topics such as error handling, file handling, sessions, and cookies.

Throughout the book, you will find practical examples
and exercises that will help you apply what you've learned. You will also learn how to build a complete web application using PHP and MySQL.

As a PHP Pathfinder, we highly recommend
"Getting Started with PHP 8" for anyone who is new to PHP or looking to improve their PHP skills. This book is well-written, easy to follow, and provides a solid foundation for building dynamic websites with PHP.

So if you're ready to start your PHP journey, pick up a copy of "Getting Started with PHP 8" today! It's available in both Kindle and paperback versions on Amazon. 

Getting Started with PHP 8: A Beginner's Guide to Building Dynamic Websites
Getting Started with PHP 8: A Beginner's Guide to Building Dynamic Websites

Mastering PHP Dependency Management with Composer Book

 Hello everyone! My name is W G T AVINDA and I'm thrilled to introduce my latest book, "Mastering PHP Dependency Management with Composer: Efficient Development of Modern PHP Applications." As a seasoned PHP developer, I've seen firsthand how dependency management can make or break a project. That's why I wrote this book – to help fellow developers master this crucial aspect of PHP development.

What is PHP Dependency Management with Composer?: Dependency management refers to the process of managing the external libraries, frameworks, and other code dependencies that a PHP application relies on. Composer is a powerful tool that can automate this process, saving developers time and effort. Composer uses a JSON file to define a project's dependencies, and then automatically downloads and installs them, ensuring compatibility and consistency across the entire application.

The Benefits of Using Composer: Using Composer offers many benefits to PHP developers. First and foremost, it streamlines the dependency management process, freeing developers to focus on writing code instead of managing dependencies. Composer also ensures that dependencies are up to date, compatible, and easy to install. In addition, it simplifies the process of adding or removing dependencies, making it easier to experiment with new libraries or frameworks.

How the Book Can Help You: "Mastering PHP Dependency Management with Composer" is the ultimate guide to using Composer in PHP development. This book is packed with practical examples, step-by-step instructions, and real-world scenarios that show you how to use Composer to manage dependencies in your own projects. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced PHP developer, this book will help you master the art of dependency management.

Mastering PHP Dependency Management with Composer
Conclusion: In conclusion, if you're a PHP developer looking to streamline your workflow and improve the quality of your code, "Mastering PHP Dependency Management with Composer" is the book for you. You can purchase the book on Amazon using this links:

I hope you enjoy reading the book as much as I enjoyed writing it, and if you do, please consider leaving a review or rating on Amazon. Thank you for your support!